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Frequently Asked Questions!

The product is packed through a process known as retort processing. This process uses heat and pressure to sterilize the food, eliminating any bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that could cause spoilage or illness.
No, you do not need to refrigerate it unless the pouch has been opened. Once opened, it should be treated like any other routine food and refrigerated.
It is not necessary to heat it before opening, but we recommend doing so to enhance and enrich the taste.
Once opened, it has a fridge life of 2-3 days, similar to any other food.
No, our products are already cooked and ready to be eaten.
Yes, our products are halal.
Yes, but we recommend heating it for 1-2 minutes before consumption.
Yes, our packaging is luggage friendly and you can take it anywhere with you in your suitcase.
Aviation guidelines vary, so to avoid last-minute hassle, it’s better to pack it in your suitcase.
Yes, we offer Daal Maash and Mix Vegetable options.
You can heat it in an electric kettle by emptying the contents into a plate and heating it for 2-3 minutes, or by placing the pouch in hot water for 2-3 minutes.
Dispose of the packaging immediately after opening.
Do not use it if the pouch is puffed or leaking, as this is a sign of spoilage.
No, the pouch is not reusable.
Store it in any cool, dry place, such as a kitchen closet.
The spice and tanginess levels are indicated on the front bottom of the box.
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